Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My random thoughts for the past 10 months

1. When it rains, it really pours. Hard. Just as you thought your life was uneventful, an avalanche visits you with everything you wished for and avoided fervently coming at you at once. And the only thought on your mind is, SHIT.

2. It's not THAT bad. Yes, life is pretty screwed up now. Yes, maggi goreng is the best food you can find within walking distance and you're constantly on coffee or diet coke or something that will elicit similar responses from your body. You are stressed, not stressed enough, loved, not loved, or dumped. But that's just going to fade with time. But mourn it too long and you'll miss the opportunity staring in your face all these while.

3. JUMP. Don't look. Don't think. Just do it.

4. The best thing about being in love is the opportunity to know yourself better so you could be a better version of you. It is not selfish. A better you is great for people around you.

5. Problems are only problems if you refuse to look at them as challenges.

6. The secret of success is having the blind faith that you would make it in the end. Doing your best is good enough.

7. Its OK to swear sometimes. Better to get the load off than let it fester.

8. I really think everyone should get a SANDBAG or learn to meditate. The aggression has to go somewhere.

9. I'm an unapologetic fighter. But I've learned to pick my battles and accept that you can't win it all.

10. If you are feeling down and out, take me out for a drink. You won't regret it! (with endorsements from many that goes along 'thank you for the therapeutic session') And no. We do not need alcohol. 

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